Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Former Waukesha Freeman editor says Walker betrays conservatives

Pete Kennedy a former Waukesha Freeman editor. [if link is available, will add; someone emailed me the text.]
Dear conservatives, your governor has betrayed you

By Pete Kennedy

Wisconsin conservatives have reached that moment of truth. It’s time to accept the fact that Scott Walker is done with you. The man you love is not walking through that 
When did you realize you were wrong?

Was it when he refused to approve the Kenosha casino, and then wouldn’t allow the tribe to help fund the new arena?...
And the potential impact — wow! It would have led to BILLIONS of dollars in long-term economic gains and hundreds of millions more dollars during construction. Generations would have benefited.

Walker is an opportunist who is stepping on this trivial state as he makes his way to the presidency...
He’s betrayed you for something bigger and better and clearly planned to do so for some time.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go tell Linus the Great Pumpkin isn’t showing up.


  1. I tend to lean fairly liberal, but I think this is an awesome editorial.

  2. I tend to lean fairly liberal, but I think this is an awesome editorial.

  3. It is always smart to lend an ear to the state workers in Madison. Love 'em or hate 'em, they watch the sausage get made and when they tell you there's some very noxious ingeredients going into that sausage, they know what they're talking about.

  4. Holy moly. That is outstanding.
    "He started the bar brawl, but you finished it." I am stealing that.
    I wonder what the comment section looks like.

  5. Is the denouement of this horror story/nightmare really on the horizon or is it just another mirage? Are some folks really waking up from the "Prince Charming" fairy tale to rub their eyes in disbelief at the sight of the wounds, assaults and raping of our state and our citizens? Indeed its not just the big money, deals and industry that has been lost in Wisconsin. Some sentient Wisconsinites witness with pain/empathy the sufferings of those who've lost health care, homes, educational standards, freedoms and other personal everyday insults.
    All of us are the recipients of these insults and losses. It is easy to foster one's transient immunity from them if you can isolate yourself with miles, dreams and false ego stratification. But in the end each one of us will pay a price. The price is real and will include a reality/sticker shock for some.

  6. Walker's campaign for president and his abandonment of Wisconsin in the process is the undoing of the Republican power bloc by 2016Many Wisconsinites are finding that the Walker plan[[no family supporting jobs, jobs for the most part paying under $10 per hour, downward pressure on wages even in family supporting occupations] is not working. They are not only being left behind; they are moving backwards. When people in Waukesha are seeing that Walker has left the state we all know it is far more evident in the Wisconsin that exists outside of Waukesha!

  7. That's quite an article. However, I think it would be more correct to say the author savages Walker, rather than destroys him. We haven't found yet what will destroy him, unfortunately. He seems to be doing pretty well nationally.

    I encourage Wisconsin folks to do some serious thinking about how to get the message about Walker's mismanagement to folks in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, before he gains any more traction.

  8. Oh goody, now we are putting wingnut conservatives on a platform and worshiping him. Careful what you wish for...

    Before you cheer too much for this guys right-wing views, remember, the kind of Governor he would like to replace Walker with is likely to be more extreme and potentially divisive than Walker (yes this is possible)!

    Perhaps for it novelty, it is fine to turn to a teabagger's negative views of Scott Walker, but in the end, we are still talking about a radical austerity agenda. We do not win when we move closer to the right.

    1. I don't think any liberals that are cheering for Pete Kennedy are suggesting that we should look to Mr. Kennedy for a better alternative. Nonetheless, it's enjoyable to see a Waukesha conservative calling Mr. Walker a fraud. I hope more conservatives turn on our 1 percenter funded Governor.

  9. Some of us have known for years that this moment would come. Walker is done with us. This state has served as his sacrificial lamb. He will soon move on. But let's not forget HE DID NOT DESTROY THIS STATE ALONE. Take note every single republican legislator has his fingerprints on the weapon that beat this state down. It's time to indicted each one of them at the polls. Make them pay for assisting in Wisconsin's undoing.

  10. Anon: 2:04

    It wasn't just his cohorts in the legislature. The state's largest media outlets promoted this all the way and actually bears more responsibility getting these clowns elected than the candidates themselves. Nothing will change until we change the media environment where the "fourth estate" massively failed us.

    An uninformed, ignorant electorate cannot make good choices. Those that get their "news" from most of the state's media are uninformed. In fact, they are propagandized and full of republican talking points.

  11. Walker has no choice but to move on, get out of Dodge. Everyone knows that slashing people's discretionary income kills an economy. Everyone knows that pay-to-play results in stunted economic growth as businesses are just lining up at the public trough instead of, you know, actually competing like the "free market" fairy tales wingnuts always talk about.

    Why make money selling products and services when you can bribe your way to revenues and profits? Why manufacture anything when you can get government subsidies without accountability?

    Like Tommy Thompson, when he wrote a check to fund schools that the state couldn't cash, Walker is setting the Badger State up for an economic crisis. His handlers and backers don't want him around when the proverbial "sh!t hits the fan". This is a play right out of George W. Bush's book, crash the economy and LEAVE before the public figures out what happened, then blame the next guy.

    So while there is a need to hold Walker's cohorts accountable in upcoming elections, nothing will change until we hold the media accountable for its massive failure to act as the "fourth estate". The rightwing business interests that fun the media like Menards also have to feel the heat.

    Nothing changes until we put our money where our mouths are, organize economic action, and talk it up to the heavens

  12. Anon 2:04 PM is right: We can take back our state one election at a time, beginning on April 7th.

  13. As Anon 2:04 I agree with Anon 5:26, 5:34 and 6:18 regarding the media. Unfortunately they are not electable entities. Unfortunately we cannot vote them (the media) out.
