Friday, February 27, 2015

Walker budget would exempt UW system from renewable energy goals

In an earlier post, I catalogued all the cuts to environmental programs, activities and staff in Walker's proposed UW budget.

Now we learn that Walker's budget proposes an exemption from existing energy saving goals for the entire statewide, reformed UW System Authority's huge facilities:

Governor: Provide that renewable energy goals would not apply to the UW System Authority. Under current law, these goals apply to DOA, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Health Services, the Department of Public Instruction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the UW System. The most recent year for which a renewable energy goal was set was 2011.
[Bill Section: 346] 


  1. Yes, and….
    No whistleblower protections for UW Employees (pg. 485)
    A gift to big ag -- repeal of a minuscule tax on fertilizer used to fund soil research (pg. 464)
    For non-academic staff to ever get a raise above CPI, it will require a statewide referendum (pg. 483)

    And check out FWDA (WEDC+WHEDA, you called it "WICHEDA")…
    If a company gets <$500k/yr in grants/loans their only reporting/accountability is to sign a statement saying they did what they said the would (pg. 167-8)
    FWDA won't get a proper financial audit from the LAB(!); just a program evaluation (pg. 170)

  2. Can't be buyin' less coal and koch brothers' fuel ya know -- this is why they pay walker the big bucks.
