Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Walker, the borrow-and-spend conservative

Outside of Wisconsin, Walker is posing as the conservatives' conservative.

At home, he's Governor Reckless, a borrow-and spend phony who is adding a fresh $1.3 billion in highway bonding debt, refusing federal Medicaid funding that costs taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, and is 'balancing' his new budget by refusing to pay some borrowing charges on current debt that, in the end, will have to be paid with interest by taxpayers down the road.

Try that with your mortgage holder. Just withhold your principal payment cuz you want to have more money on hand. Enjoy your plunging credit score and foreclosure letter.

Details on these deceitful and damaging practices, here.


  1. So just what do you add to your posts with the name calling?

  2. James with Walker claiming that he is a great steward of the taxpayer's money why is there 24-7 security at the Wauwatosa home in which he and his family no longer live and only his parents reside there. His son Alex tweeted that only his grandparents live there and it was "UNBELIEVABLE " that protestors would show up in front of his grand parents residence! Did Walker promise the State Patrol officers a 17% pay raise if they would stay around to help out his elderly parents?

  3. Since taking office Walker has deferred payment on debt to the tune of $643 million. That means even though that debt came due he simply refused to pay it and kicked it down the road to be paid long after he's gone at much higher total costs to all of us. His 3 budgets have involved borrowing $5 billion in new debt. Thus he not only has not paid existing debt as it came due he has added more debt. No way is his claim of being a good steward to the taxpayer's money any where near being truthful.

  4. just what do you add to your posts with the name calling


  5. To anon 9:36 a.m. I am publishing this comment to be able to say: leave Walker's family out of it. Every chief executive these days has security. It is routine. It is a good idea. People should bear witness against Walker's policies and politicking at the Governor's Mansion, which is owned by the public.
