Thursday, February 19, 2015

Walker attacks elitists; caviar where he dined Wed. is $185/oz

[Updated)]According to this Politico report, Walker has been attacking so-called elitists whom he says are making hay out of his failure to graduate from college.

Did he run into any elitists - - or take their praise and campaign checks - - when he was at the upscale "21 Club" in New York City on Wednesday night.

According to the tony Manhattan restaurant's online menu, caviar ranges from $145-185 per ounce, rib-eye steak is $68, venison is $44 and a burger and fries is $36.

I wonder who picked up his tab? Could it be that American Revival is also reviving colonial-era starched-collar dining?

Update - - People dined on filet mignon ($58), according to this report. With large servings of standard-fare Walker self-puffery.

According to Scott Walker himself, who didn't tell his audience that he missed his big campaign job-creating pledge by about 50%, and the"better things"' he claimed were happening in Wisconsin lagged the national growth rate under President Obama:
"One of the big mistakes that I and (Iowa Gov.) Terry Branstad and other Republican governors thought the Romney campaign made was, you've got all these Republican governors talking about how much better things were in our states after the 2010 elections, and then those same states — in my case, after I spent $37 million on a recall election — you had the Romney campaign coming in and telling them how awful things were because of Barack Obama's economy.
Note also that Walker had left the Capitol in Madison for the NYC soiree with right-wing movers-and-shakers just in time to miss Menominee who walked 150 miles in polar vortex cold  - - so there was no face-to-face talk with Walker about the casino jobs he killed to he could play nice with anti-gambling Iowa Tea Partiers?

This WisPolitics story says tribal officials were turned away from Walker's office  on Wednesday - - but it doesn't appear they were told Walker had more important people to meet and filet mignon to eat in New York.


  1. How much was the wine?
    Oh, sorry, wrong Wisconsin politician.

  2. When I watch my television, I never see stories like this. You really need to get more of a reality-orientation.

    Every day at The Political Environment is opposite day. The media never has reports like you publish here daily. Not even the writers that are promoted as protecting the public as "watchdogs".

    Someone is obviously telling whoppers. Where do you get this stuff?

    Maybe you should spend more time watching WTMJ-4 and reading Wisconsin State Journal, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and other fine Wisconsin newspapers like Janesville Gazette and Ripon Commonwealth.

    1. This joke was funny the first time I saw it on James' blog. But this is about the fifth time I've seen the joke, and it's like that SNL skit that goes on far too long.

  3. So Scott Walker's complaint was that Mitt Romney didn't come in and repeat his fake-prosperity, fake budget solution message? How dare Romney come to Walker's bought-and-paid-for fiefdom and not mouth Walker's bought-and-paid-for lies!

  4. Yeah, I let it go on too long. I have a pretty good idea of who is sending it. He's done. Enough!
