Friday, January 23, 2015

Walker hogging Tea Party cred in Iowa. Wisconsin, too.

Scott Walker is underscoring his earlier claim as "the original Tea Party in Wisconsin" by hiring a pre-caucus Iowa coordinator who worked that state for card-carrying Tea Partiers Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee and recently-elected US Senator and proud hog castrater Joni Ernst.

In a possible 2016 Iowa caucus field where he has to outflank a clutch of far-right Tea Party candidates and slightly more moderate establishment GOP opponents, little wonder then that Walker is positioning himself as the baddest of the bunch by proposing mandatory drug testing for all recipients of public assistance, including food stamps and unemployment compensation.

What's a little criminalization-by-implication of hundreds of thousands of poor people to worry about when there's a presidential nomination up for grabs by a careerist candidate with pipelines to billionaire donors and promises to keep?

Joni Ernst got elected to the US Senate on the strength of promising to 'make-em-squeal' in Washington, DC.

Walker is using his own methods here, always with an eye towards selling them to Iowans right next door.

Little wonder that just days after being warned by conservative leaders in Iowa that anti-gambling voters would look dimly on Walker if he were to approve gambling expansion in Kenosha, Walker today turned that down. Iowa is always on Walker's mind.

And add the Menominees to people use and abused by Walker when his agenda trumps theres.

But first, a visit to the Koch brothers, where he can tout his Iowa organizing.

And about minding the store at home?

Not to worry. Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch has been managing things as Walker spends more and more time on the road.

And in this scenario, you've got to feel a bit sorry for the overshadowed hubby, State Rep. Joel Kleefisch who's forced to push his name out there about things like e-cigarettes on behalf of a local vendor:
Lauding a local e-cigarette vendor and its products' merits, GOP State Rep. and cardiovascular expert Joel Kleefisch fired off a news release this week demanding that government leave vapers "of the legal age" alone:
In the body, nicotine has virtually the same effects as when caffeine is consumed. While coffee shop openings are celebrated, the use of vapor devices often elicits the negative connotation of cigarette smoking...
It's not governments [Sic] job [Sic] tell people of the legal age that they are not allowed to partake in a legal activity... 
The nanny state needs to stop interfering in our daily lives.  

1 comment:

  1. Two words, Joel Kleefisch: transvaginal ultrasound.
