Friday, January 30, 2015

Two takes on WI GOP plan to run Milwaukee from the 'burbs

This was mine, yesterday.
Milwaukee suburbs could see improvements based on city suggestions
Nice that Republican legislators Senator Alberta Darling from River Hills and Representative Dale Kooyenga from Brookfield have opened their minds and hearts to help Milwaukee address the socio-economic problems made even tougher in Milwaukee by decades of suburban economic and racial exclusion. 
Surely the suburbanites will welcome an infusion of concern and ideas flowing the other way, as the 'burbs have their problems, too, and folks in the city can help supply answers. 
But the award goes to Dom Noth, with more bite to the bytes. I bow to him.
I just wasted 10  minutes reading the Darling-Kooyenga New Opportunities for Milwaukee legislative proposal in its slick 25-page  brochure presentation I fear was paid for with taxpayer money, money that could probably have fed a few hundred people. 
You know, the plan dumped in surprise on city leaders about how totake over Milwaukee education and create corporate tax free zones. It was not shared with MPS leaders and teachers. It makes it seem as if these two legislators bled their feet in the snow dragging their tired dutiful suburban GOP bodies from black house to house to understand the inner city, never pausing on their rounds to talk to anyone who remembers them -- and never, as far as I can tell, with people who have children in public schools or families that really wanted to chat about the poverty destroying their neighborhoods. 

1 comment:

  1. Why shouldn't Kooyenga run Milwaukee from the suburbs? He's already run the UW System, by leading the raid on its reserve funds two years ago, and that worked great! (Oops, those funds might have come in handy now when Walker slashes the UW System budget.) But he's moved on to new targets.
