Saturday, January 10, 2015

The game is the same; Christie, Walker share playbook

Dallas Cowboys' Chris Christie:
TRENTON — Federal prosecutors interviewed Gov. Chris Christie last month as part of the ongoing investigation into the George Washington Bridge lane closure controversy, according to a published report.
The governor, who’s weighing a presidential campaign, met with prosecutors and the FBI for more than two hours, according to ABC news.
The meeting took place at the governor’s mansion in Princeton after prosecutors weighed whether to subpoena Christie to appear before a grand jury after the governor was slow to respond to their original request to an interview “months ago,” ABC reported...
The governor was accompanied by his attorney, Christopher Wray, a former chief of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division.

Green Bay Packers' Scott Walker:
Madison -- Gov. Scott Walker has hired two criminal defense attorneys and will be meeting with Milwaukee County prosecutors about the John Doe investigation into his current and former aides.
Walker said in a statement released by his campaign Friday that he will not use any public money to pay for the attorneys that he has hired ahead of a meeting with prosecutors in Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm's office. Walker, who has repeatedly said he did nothing wrong, did not say when the meeting will happen. 
“Last year, my representatives voluntarily contacted Mr. Chisholm’s office to arrange a time to discuss any outstanding issues.  I will be voluntarily meeting with Mr. Chisholm,” Walker said. ”To assemble additional background information, I hired counsel to insure that I am in the best position possible to continue aiding the inquiry.”  

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