Thursday, January 29, 2015

Reince Preibus coup: RNC junket to Israel planned w/ US hate group

Wisconsin's very own conservative super-strategist, super-Scott Walker backer and just-reelected whiz-kid chairman of the Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus managed to book an all-expenses trip for his committee and others to Israel - - fine so far - - but it planned it in league with a US hate group traveling party, according to the authoritative Southern Poverty Law Center, (SPLC) - - not good at all. 

Bad staff work, or bad allies?

U.S. NGO: Evangelical 'hate group' funding Republican National Committee trip to Israel
Evangelical political operative planned 9-day freebie trip for national committee members, on behalf of the conservative Christian AFA group which blasts Muslims, gays.
This story has been percolating in national media for six weeks.

More here: 
In a letter to SPLC officials, the American Family Association (AFA) has disavowed a series of racist and bigoted statements made by its chief spokesman in recent years.
The repudiation of Bryan Fischer’s statements came just two days before members of the Republican National Committee (RNC) are scheduled to embark on a trip to Israel sponsored by the AFA.
Last week, the SPLC wrote to all 168 members of the RNC urging them not to accompany the AFA on the trip because of the group’s long track record of bigotry and hate. The SPLC has named the AFA as a hate group due to its history of making false, demonizing statements about the LGBT community, including Fischer’s contention that gay men were responsible for the Holocaust...
Fischer has claimed, for example, that black people “rut like rabbits”; that the First Amendment applies only to Christians; that Hispanics are “socialists by nature” and come to the U.S. to “plunder” the country; that Muslims should not be permitted to build mosques in the United States; that an underground railroad is needed to protect children from gay parents; and more.
Additional material, here.

1 comment:

  1. Huh. I thought the RNC was a hate group.
