Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Funding cut plan is Act 10 for UW, Walker tells Sykes

The analogy was Sykes' as his first segment wound up today with Walker on the line, but Walker agreed whole-heartedly, touting Act 10's "tools," if you get his drift.

Sykes then segued to claiming UW system faculty do not teach enough classes - - which disregards research, writing and other essentials for a fully-formed, great university - - so say "Hello" to Act 10/2.0

Lazy teachers are ripping off the people who pay their salaries.

Walker keeps fueling a politics of divide-and-conquer resentment - - yet managed without any internal filter on contradictions or hubris in the same talk radio segment to praise himself extensively for "leadership" on the arena.



  1. Do these guys know how long it takes to put together a one-hour class plus visuals plus handouts? They should try it sometime. Do they know how much money professors bring into the university in grants that they write during non-teaching time, for research that they do during non-teaching time?

    1. They probably know, but they're counting on the dimwits who listen to their show not to know. And they're counting on the pro-Walker "legit" media not to challenge their BS.

      Which means it's left up to others to tell the truth, and we can't do it all online and by ourselves (TAKE THE HINT, DEMS)!

  2. Walker is the last person in this state to be critical of anyone's work load. Once again it is more divide and conquer tactics with Walker blowing off his mouth with innuendo and vitriol not based on facts nor truth. His minions will accept this as gospel and clamor for heads to roll within the U. W. system. We need to channel his lies and falsehoods to the national media who are following his presidential "wannabe" tour. He simply has to be exposed for what he is: a pathological lying fanatical ideologue totally out of touch with the reality of the common man!

  3. The (paid Walker) commenters on mainstream media also keep focusing on one campus, in Madison, instead of all 26 campuses -- and also keep focusing on faculty, instead of all UW workers. Faculty at UW-Milwaukee, for example, total fewer than a thousand (for more than 28,000 students, on the campus with the most students from Wisconsin).

    The layoffs -- which must come, after many years of budget cuts to the bone, so UW campuses now must cut into the bone -- will include some faculty, as well as some of the many non-faculty instructional staff, including students (grad student TA's), who will have to leave school, without funding, or transfer to other states.

    However, the priority has to be on keeping the most classes possible for the most students possible.

    So, most likely is that far more layoffs will hit the many thousands of UW workers who are not in the academic area: administrators for admissions and financial aid and student advising and more, technological staff to keep thousands of computers and related services running for students, custodians and plumbers and electricians and painters and more to maintain classrooms and other facilities for students, clerical staff who keep offices open and records updated and more for students. . . .

    But they will find other jobs, all of those 250,000 new jobs in the private sector that Walker promised. Oh, oh.

    Why is this impact, these workers soon to be unemployed, not being discussed in mainstream media? Because it's not teacher-bashing.

  4. You are correct in that the non-Madison campuses would take the bigger hit, because they don't have as many outside sources of revenue to fall back on like Madison does with all of their federal research grants and related operations.

    And I suggest you look at the events at UW-Superior over the last year to get an idea of where a lot of these places may be headed.
