Saturday, December 27, 2014

Glenn Grothman on climate change "stuff," Africa, homosexuality...

The Congressman-elect, in his own words:

In the same interview, Grothman attacked Secretary of State John Kerry for supposedly upsetting God when he denounced Uganda’s anti-gay laws. 

Not to mention...More pearls, from earlier posts, are here. And here. And here. And here.


  1. This man knows absolutely nothing about anything. To say that climate change or global warming has not occurred and is not occurring is absolutely stupid!!!!! He will become an absolute fool in Washington and the media will bait him into idiotic statements that will make Wisconsin the butt of jokes. He is in for a short two year run!

  2. Grothman... what a putz.


  3. Are we sure his last name isn't Bachmann or at least related in some way? He seems very similar. Glen Bachmann sounds more like it.

  4. Another items to add to the growing Grothman Dossier in our Google Drive collection.

    The collection will come in handy and will be available when it's time to start publishing screeds against him in the upcoming election.

    Someone IS getting ready to oppose this man in the 2016 District 6 race, right? Please tell me someone is...
