Monday, November 24, 2014

Perfect weather for Milwaukee's light rail...

5:23 p.m.update - - Police urge caution during commute as crashes mount
The rain that kicked off the week switched to snow Monday, making for slick spots during the afternoon commute in Milwaukee. | Updated: 5:19 p.m.

Rain, then relatively light but blowing snow Monday, right on schedule, so it was a day to leave the car at home, and if you're at a downtown office building to head after work for the light rail stop, given this:

Oh, wait a minute - - I forgot that right-wing legislators from outside of the city have worked with anti-urban talk radio hosts serving conservative suburban Milwaukee listeners - - even presumably many of those were were tied up in today's multiple 'freeway' system crashes here and here and here  - - to block urban rail since the late 1990's.

So, regrettably, the forecast for the rest of the week is for snowy and politicized commuting in light rail-free southeastern Wisconsin, where this kind of weather can run into early May.
The first snowfall of winter for Milwaukee usually arrives in November, although a rare snowstorm can show up in October. 
The season's last snowfall typically happens in April, yet snow in May does occur occasionally. 
Milwaukee is normally free of snow every year from June to September.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe some of those suburbanites can enjoy a night in the city due to bad roads.
