Saturday, November 22, 2014

New multi-purpose Milwaukee library shows how a city works

Market-rate apartments above.
I'd earlier put up a note and poster about the dedication today of Milwaukee's new east branch library, and will post below a few photos of the magnificent addition to the neighborhood. The city will be adding five more such facilities. Here's a link to the first, opened on the Northwest side in 2011 (click on the center of the photo box). Full disclosure: my son Sam McGovern-Rowen is now working full-time on these projects.
People dove right in.

Airy, open, art-filled. Coffee welcome!
Browser the Lion dispensed hugs.
Swipe your card, check out a laptop computer.


  1. It's all about demographics. For the Eastside, this is a great fit.

  2. I added a link to the 2011 dedication of the first of these repurposed libraries on the Northwest side. Five more will be spread across the city as it updates the facilities to meet both the city and neighborhoods' needs.

    For example, while the east side branch comes with market rate housing, the NW side building featured so-called grandparent housing to meet a local need for families where seniors are raising their grandkids.

  3. Libraries are the best! Long live librarians and libraries!
