Monday, November 24, 2014

Allegation of inappropriate behavior in latest We Energies rate increase

Opponents of the controversial increase in solar power fees that the Wisconsin Public Service Commission just awarded We Energies are complaining that a Walker PSC appointee inappropriately communicated with and advised the company:
A solar industry group appealing a decision to impose the most expensive solar fees in the U.S. said a Wisconsin regulator violated rules barring communication about pending cases.
Ellen Nowak, a regulator for the Wisconsin Public Service Commission, and Wisconsin Energy Corp. (WEC) Chief Executive Officer Gale Klappa participated in a panel together at a utility industry conference in June. Her discussions with Klappa at the conference should have disqualified her from voting on a pending rate case, said Bryan Miller, a co-chairman of the Alliance for Solar Choice.

1 comment:

  1. This $6.88 increase is extreemly detrimental to people living on less than 150% of the poverty level.
    Next year's indexed increase for Social Security is only 1.7%. Thus a person living on $1,000 SS, will be getting $17.00 more per month. Thus, $6.88 eats up 40% of the new increment.
    If next year is like this year, which had a 1.5% ($15.00) increase, most SS recipients purchasing power will be further reduced. My rent and Rx co-pays increased about $22.00/mo this year, so I fell about $7.00 short per month.
    Everyone 65 & older needs to be exempt from this crazy increase.
    What opportunity does a senior renter have to participate in a solar project???
