Sunday, November 30, 2014

State Justice official made guns without license; Van Hollen bought two

The way I read this story by Dee Hall, the Wisconsin State Journal investigative reporter, the sensational claims made about a Department of Justice supervisor making guns without a license - - claims which led to the firing of a whistle-blowing DOJ investigator fired - - turn out to be accurate, as the supervisor has admitted making and selling such guns -- - two of which were bought by Attorney General J. B. Van Hollen.

I wonder if this played a role in Van Hollen's decision against running for re-election.

Hall had reported on the matter earlier:

More later, but props to Hall for her diligence.

1 comment:

  1. Use to GOP hypocrisyDecember 1, 2014 at 6:54 AM

    So what's the problem.... they are republicans the laws don't apply to them.

    Why should this be the least bit surprising?
