Monday, October 20, 2014

Will the WI DNR gear up to stop wolf poaching?

You may remember that some pro-hunting groups were unhappy when the Natural Resources Board reduced this wolf season's kill quota to 150 from last year's 257. 

And as the 2014 quota is being quickly reached by savvy hunters outsmarting, sniping, and delivering fatal head shots to trapped, disabled wolves, here's the question?
gray wolf
Courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Knowing that some illegal killing does take place - - and also knowing that some wolf hunters may end up this year extra frustrated that they'd been unable to get a legal trophy - - will the DNR announce when the quota has been filled that it will not tolerate 'shoot, shovel and shut up' wolf killings, and that it will aggressively enforce the law?

My Magic 8-Ball says "no," since DNR data posted on its wolf hunting website shows that the DNR allowed excessive killing already in three of the four zones it has closed.

In one zone, the quota was 15, but the DNR let 29 kills happen.

1 comment:

  1. The answer is no.......remember Walker told them not to enforce but to be like the Chamber OF Commerce and thank them for shopping and killing in Wisconsin's great outdoors. Our wildlife is for hunter's exploitation not to be protected and preserved as part of our ecology!
