Friday, October 31, 2014

Team Walker cuts breaks for well-connected donors, polluter - - not for Iraq vet

As they say, it's who you know...

You may remember that while in office less than a month, Walker ordered that an ongoing environmental review by the DNR be bypassed - - eventually with a special, one-beneficary fast-tracked bill - - so a prominent donor could quickly fill a twelve-acre wetland for a development near Lambeau Field.

You may also remember that when a GOP donor with a manure spreading business was caught having repeatedly violated a permit and spread excess human fecal matter on farm fields near drinking water supplies in two counties, top Walker appointees in the DNR and State Rep. Joel Kleefisch, the Lt. Governor's spouse, intervened on the polluter's behalf to knock down potentially tough enforcement actions to a few smaller fines.

But Walker refused to issue a pardon for a US Marine Corps Iraq war veteran who threw a single punch defending a friend in a bar fight, and been forgiven by the victim, and has trouble finding a family-supporting job because there is not a shred of forgiveness in our purportedly work-and-family-friendly governor.

Powerful video by the soldier now on YouTube, here

1 comment:

  1. . . . . because there is not a shred of forgiveness in our purportedly work-and-family-friendly governor.

    because there is not a shred of forgiveness in our purportedly Christian governor.

    Forgiveness is for little people, sez he.
