Thursday, October 16, 2014

Northern Wisconsin mining jobs claim is false because there's no mine

Given that no actual mining work at the GTac site was done, no mine application has been filed, and all work has been shut down after a few rock sample test borings were done at the end of a few little access roads that were cut, there's no way that Americans for Prosperity should get anything less than "Pants on Fire" for its claim that Scott Walker is creating high-paying mining jobs in Northern Wisconsin.

And letting a spokesman throw sand mining that is underway across the state into his already-shaky iron mining claim was wrong, wrong, wrong.


  1. It does verify Walker's claim that "Wisconsin Is Open For Business." If you have enough money Walker will sell you anything as Cline bought the Penoke Hills and all its resources for a mere $700,000. If Walker is re-elected any of his donors will be able to buy power plants, dams, buildings, possibly even their own university. How about a prison ...what could convey more status than owning your own prison. Sound preposterous.............wait and see!

  2. Again, the JS shows its Walker favoritism. Nothing about this statement is remotely true. Hopefully a large number of advertisers stop using the partisan rag. The JS is largely responsible for the state of affairs we have in Wisconsin, but they continue to publish papers and put their stories online. I have written to them over and over again, but they could care less. When Mary Burke starts her term, they will immediately declare war on her.
