Wednesday, October 22, 2014

La Crosse students turn out by the ten for Ron Johnson

Though I may be overstating it, according to this newspaper story:
The Wisconsin Republican spoke to a gathering of about 10 Viterbo students Thursday afternoon. 
File under #goner2016. 


  1. When you read the article, note the points on which RoJo waxes poetic: sure to engage the younger generation! It would be fun to caption below each face: What a doofus!

  2. Ugh, Ro-Jo as the Denier Teacher again, 10 students is 10 too many! With our state going into a pollution hole right now, please lets go Scott-Free and get rid of the rest of these losers in 2 weeks!

  3. Even a dope like Rojo must know that his talking to these poor kids violates the 8th Amendment against cruel and unusual punishment..

  4. RoJo's head is so far up his own a** he thinks he;s guiding and advising the young'uns. Whatta balloon!

  5. Could be he spoke to an honors seminar with limited enrollment rather than a group with open invitations- nah!
