Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Someone at the DNR didn't get the hunter education message

Public outcry last year forced the DNR to scrap plans to add a gun range at the MacKenzie Center, a state-owned-and-operated youth educational facility, and now you can bet someone is going to be trouble at the agency and with its NRA constituents for over-reacting and dropping the first reference about "hunter education" in this news release to the 14th paragraph:

MacKenzie Center kicks off school year with new programs, partnerships

POYNETTE, Wis. -- With 11 new course offerings that build on topics taught in K-12 classrooms, the MacKenzie Center is welcoming 29 new schools and groups eager to participate in its unique environmental and conservation education and outdoor skills programs this year.  -  Read Full Article
Hunter education represents an expanding focus at MacKenzie, with Learn to Hunt classes this fall for pheasant, raccoon, bow deer and gun deer running through December. Remaining dates include the weekend of October 18-19, December 6-7 and 13-14. The classes introduce newcomers to Wisconsin's hunting heritage and include instruction and field work before a novice goes hunting with an experienced hunter.

1 comment:

  1. I have done work within the MacKenzie center, and with its people, and the idea of letting it turn into a publicly funded nRA playground is offensive in the extreme.
