Tuesday, September 23, 2014

If Christie stumps for Walker in Hudson, WI

If true, as rumored, the Monday visit will accomplish three things:

1.  Gets Walker some publicity in rural WI, where he is weak.

2.  Hides Christie and Walker from big-city protesters (though frac sand opponents remembering a big spill about an hour away can find them).

3.  Lets Christie see how he plays in the heartland pre-2016.


  1. The bridge between Hudson and Mn. needs to be blocked off in honor of Christie's visit.

  2. Cleverly articulated, Jonathan Swift! You have a knack for it.

  3. This has all sorts of FAIL associated with it.

    1. This will be covered by Twin a Cities media, who isn't as beholden to Walker's ad money, and might actually ask real follow-up questions.

    2. The contrast between Minnesota's 4.3% unemployment to Wisconsin's 5.6% and "last in the Midwest" standing is pretty clear, as is Minnesota's adequately-funded schools with Walker's and Christie's hatred of teachers.

    3. Christie's New Jersey is 43rd in job growth and has had numerous downgrades due to financial mismanagement. Walker policies have led to budget deficits that are approaching. $3 billion altogether. By comparison, Minnesota has a budget surplus for now AND the future, with the burdens being spread more evenly among all it's citizens.

    Go for it, RGA guys. This has backfire written all over it
