Sunday, August 17, 2014

Walker's Medicaid $$ Rejection Costing WI $500+ Million

If he was your accountant, you'd fire him.

If he's the Governor, you defeat him over scandalous ideological behavior that has kept poor people at risk without medical care and sabotaged the state's finances: 
Madison — Wisconsin taxpayers would have saved $206 million over two years — 73% more than previously estimated — if officials had fully expanded its main health care program for the poor under the federal Affordable Care Act, a new nonpartisan report shows.
If officials decide to change course and expand the program in the next state budget, state taxpayers would save another $261 million to $315 million through June 2017, according to the Legislative Fiscal Bureau... 
In all, the state could have saved more than $500 million over 31/2 years, the report shows. That would have allowed Gov. Scott Walker and legislators to put more money toward schools or roads or cut taxes more deeply than they did over the last year. 
In addition to saving state funds, the full expansion would have served an estimated 87,000 more adults each month under BadgerCare Plus, according to the fiscal bureau.


  1. Does anyone really think he cares about anyone even his oft mentioned the "hard working" taxpayers. This should be proof that he cares about himself looking good to the Tea party and conservative ideologues. He cares not about us except at election time.

  2. A move that should disqualify this guy from office. Also runs the $2 billion in budget deficits for 2015-17 even higher

  3. He and other GOP governors who are rejecting this money should be charged with murder. This is immoral.
