Friday, August 22, 2014

Doe Document Dump Dynamite: $700K To Walker From Mining Company

Disgusting smoking gun:
According to documents released in a John Doe probe, Wisconsin Club for Growth bank records indicate that Gogebic Taconite LLC gave $700,000 to [R.J.] Johnson's [Walker campaign] group in 2011-'12. Shortly after the recall elections, Republican lawmakers and Walker approved legislation that will make it easier for Gogebic to construct an iron-ore mine in northern Wisconsin. 
Until the release of Friday's documents, the public was unaware of Gogebic's contribution to the pro-Walker group.
That's the Wisconsin environment, land, water and sovereign nation native treaty rights being sold out, in secret.

How many times do we need to see the proof that Walker's default as Governor to sneaky double-dealing began with his now laughable claims to "transparency?" 

Also remember that the records being released today - - and there will be more disclosures, as if the mining donation isn't shocking enough - - had been ordered destroyed by US Dist. Ct. Judge Rudolph Randa.

Justice and additional transparency nearly subverted.


  1. I'm shocked totally shocked. Wrong-way Walker took money to sellout to GTAC. SHOCKED!

  2. Thar she blows!

  3. sounds like an ill-eagle scout to me...

  4. good one, anonymous 1:54 AM!
