Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Christie Would Crush Walker In Lie Detector Face-Off

As the excitement builds towards NJ Governor Chris Christie's appearance in Wisconsin with Gov. Wrong-Way Walker, I took a look at the two governors' PolitiFact record for truthfulness - - they have about the same number of statements vetted and rated - - and find Christie the truth-speaking winner and Walker the false-speaking loser.

Christie has twice as many unqualified "True" statements as does Walker, and Walker has more than twice as many unqualified "False" statements as does Christie. Make other comparisons, Christie still makes Walker look worse by comparison.

Walker's statements by ruling

Click on the ruling to see all of Walker's statements for that ruling.

Christie's statements by ruling

Click on the ruling to see all of Christie's statements for that ruling.

1 comment:

  1. Christie could crush Walker just by sitting on him.
