Thursday, August 14, 2014

Breaking News: Walker Got "True" Rating From PolitiFact Today...

Also true: It's his first since April 4th, only his second this year and but his 11th overall out of 102 vetted and ranked.

How is it that a Governor, with dozens of staff and advisers, can get so few things straight? Chris Christie generally does twice as well, and Christie speaks off the cuff more often, or so it appears.

You can check the PolitiFact tallies, here.

Also of note: PolitiFact didn't exactly heap praise on Walker today, though it gave him the bouquet, of sorts - - with a healthy side of context:
Wisconsin lagged all of the Midwest in job growth in the latest quarterly employment numbers, released in June 2014.
So is it possible that by another economic measure -- the state’s total personal income -- the Badger State is gaining faster than all of its neighbors?
Gov. Scott Walker made that claim July 30, 2014 on his campaign Twitter account:
Wisconsin is #1 in the Midwest for personal income growth over the year. (US BEA Q1 2013 over Q1 2014)
— Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) July 30, 2014


  1. And it's cherry-picked BS, as Wisconsin is still last in the Midwest for income growth during Walker's tenure.

    It seems like Dave Umhoefer was given the orders from up above to helps heir boy Scotty out.

  2. He got a "true" because he was asked his name and he responded Scott Walker? Otherwise his answer more often than not would have been a lie.

  3. I downloaded the dataset from BEA and ran the numbers. From 2010Q4, Walker's starting point, to 2014Q1, WI ranks DEAD LAST among those 12 "midwest" states, and 44th nation wide.

  4. Well you know he's desperate when he footnotes his tweet. Just to be sure that we're all looking at the right carefully selected slice of misleading data. Has he been that scrupulous with any of his other vague claims or mumbling deflections?

  5. Income doesn't equal wages. Stock market income and government subsidies for farms are factors in the income report. Most of us are impacted most by job rankings. We're in 37th place for jobs. Our income inequality is growing faster than in most other states.
