Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Question For Walker, GTac And Their Pocketed Legislators

How much time has been lost, how many resources have been wasted and how much good will has been flushed away by the mining lobby's pushing its never-to-be-opened open-pit monstrosity without any honest and authentic commitment to a comprehensive, multi-faceted, long-term, sustainable and publicly-crafted jobs and development plan for the region?

No Plan B, C, D...X,Y or Z from WEDC, or the WMC or the rest of the big cheeses who are more interested in big talk instead of the day-to-day grind that, as in all communities, has to involve the people and be for them if it is to have any credible chance of taking root and paying off.


  1. I would like an analysis of the cost per job created of Walker's giveaways vs. how many would have been created at lets say $15,000 a job. Also, I'd like to know what his "latest job numbers" private sector report represents. Are those summer jobs compared to nearby states who don't have much of a tourist industry??

  2. This is not directly related to the proposed GTac mine but is related in the sense that Wisconsin waters are threatened. I ask all readers to consider watching short video, Kewaunee's Message to Wood County and Wisconsin. This is the most powerful video I have seen yet (and thankfully protecting-Wisconsin-waters vids are legion).

    The You Tube is at:

    My commentary is at:

  3. MAL,
    The 590 Nutrient Management Standard is being re-written. Your readers can learn more here:
