Wednesday, July 23, 2014

WI DNR Asking For EPA Help On Waukesha Diversion Plan

Not only is the DNR looking for more information from Waukesha about the city's stalled siversion application for Great Lakes water - - the DNR is looking for guidance from the US EPA, too, this recent letter shows.

The involvement of multiple agencies and levels of government is just a hint of what is coming for Waukesha when the seven other Great Lakes states, two Canadian provinces, and perhaps tribal bodies in Canada have their own sets of questions and concerns.


  1. The only help anyone should give walkersha to obtain water is a sincere and polite offer to urinate in that community.

    They drink toilet water in Texas -- if its good enough fer the teabaggers there, it is more than good enough for the walkerites there.

    But remember, Wisconsin did not swing 15+ points in a 5 month period -- walker up by 8 and then Obama up by essentially the same margin in the fall.

    The recall was stolen and walkersha was an important cog in this crime.

  2. Reading the letter from DNR to the EPA, it seems that Waukesha has a significant host of return flow issues that will add another 6 months to a year for these issues alone.

    I hope the judge in this radium compliance issue has his pencil shape and ready to sign the contempt order.
