Sunday, July 27, 2014

Quick Quiz: When A Thought Includes "Walker" And "Drain The Entire System"...

Do you think it's a reference to:

Wisconsin's credibility? Our 37th-place job ranking? The WEDC's overall performance? 


It would be Walker's phony fears about housing and saving immigrant children, as...horrors...50 might be headed to Wisconsin, where Robin Vos has already told them they are not welcome.

Walker explained during, what else, a campaign stop how it is that Wisconsin, open for business, is closed to homeless, destitute, threatened children:
Walker said he is concerned about the risks children face in traveling many miles to the United States and the cost of dealing with them once they are here.
The Republican governor says if the children aren't sent home quickly, they will likely blend into communities and "that's going to have costs and drain the entire system."


  1. Well remember, now that the State of Wisconsin is for sale, every penny that does not go to out-of-state billionaires is, in scott walker's mind, a "drain".

    The "entire system" to scott walker is a massive pay-for-play to provide the millions he needs to compete for the White House in 2016.

    So, in a sense, he statement is accurate.

    But it does show -- he's not working for Wisconsin.

  2. Scooter proves in this short comment a few simple points:
    1. He is far from having any Christian values.
    2. He is racist.
    3. He has zero empathy.
    4. His math skills suck.

    Walker, the clown, is draining the system. Never has such a mindless, soulless, amoral idiot been in the governor's office in any state. It is time for the Democrats to play hard ball with this dirtbag.

  3. ". . . Walker, the clown, is draining the system. Never has such a mindless, soulless, amoral idiot been in the governor's office in any state. It is time for the Democrats to play hard ball with this dirtbag.. . . "

    Well said, Anonymous 8:26 AM. Or you could shorten it to "goggle-eyed homunculus". I never heard the word homunculus until I read it in a Charles P. Pierce blog post in Esquire magazine, so I looked it up [homunculus def: a little man, dwarf, manikin]. But "soulless, amoral idiot" works pretty well for me, too.
