Monday, July 14, 2014

Op-Ed Opposes Kohler Golf Course, DNR Land Transfer

Sheboygan-area activist asks pertinent questions prior to 7/16 hearing: 
Wisconsinites have a long history of respecting the land and all of their natural resources. Friends of the Black River Forest in the Town of Wilson are honoring this heritage. We are attempting to stop Herbert Kohler Jr., from tearing up 247 acres of Kohler Company property on the shore of Lake Michigan for a championship golf course and using state-owned land to do it. Why is this not important to the residents of the state and conservation groups? 
This property is adjacent to Kohler-Andrae State Park. It is comprised of forest, wetlands, dunes, is home to 33 mammal species, 150 species of birds and 400 species of plants, some of which are unique to this area. Deforestation of over 125 acres will destroy habitat and drastically affect the large bird migratory path. Logging, construction and chemical runoff will flow into our already impaired Black River and Lake Michigan.
More information here, and here. 

1 comment:

  1. Evironmental concerns my butt -- where are relatively wealthy folks and billionaires going to hit a little white ball around until it goes in a little hole?

    If this was going to be a golf course for the homeless, you libtards wouldn't have any problems with this.

    Giving the elite folks around Kohler the ability to destroy more of our envirnment will provide jobs for the little people that pee in Kohler toilets and urninals.

    Have you seen their fancy @ss-washer toilet? This could eliminate the need for toilet paper -- so overall, this golf course is a win-win for the environment.

    Besides, Kohler already poluted the Sheboygan River and Lake Michigan so much that its toxic and you can't eat any fish from the harbor.

    Terry Andrea's beachs are full of black coal dust and Kohler polution anyhow.

    Damn the furry animals, fowl, wild life, and beaches. Rich people need to play golf and need the public to subsidize their courses.
