Thursday, July 17, 2014

Journal Sentinel Posts Detailed Story On Kohler Golf Course Plan

Glad to see mainstream media devoting major resources to the controversial Kohler golf course proposal.

This piece by Lee Bergquist builds on last night's reporting by Gary D'Amato from the Town of Wilson plan commission meeting.

I call your attention to three important threads in the story that advance and expand it.

*  One is the unbelievably audacious power play by the Kohler Co. to wrest from the state (you and me, taxpayers) some acreage for the golf course in the adjoining Kohler Andrae State Park.

The DNR appears sympathetic, playing down the precedent-setting possibilities of the proposed taking by a private, profit-making business (and for wealthy, elite folders, to boot) and conceding that a top DNR official has already discussed the matter with Kohler officials, instead of saying "no."

*  The second is disclosure reporting that undermines Kohler's claim to some sort of green blessing from something called Audubon International.

Before you say, "Wow, Audubon!," the reporters note the organization has no affiliation with traditional Audubon environmentalism, and a quick look at the organization's website shows that of seven board members, three are golf industry insiders, and two of them serve as organization officers.

You might as well say, 'Breaking News: Golf professionals endorse new golf course!'

*  And worst of all, Herbert Kohler, Jr., the prime mover behind the proposal, has already spoken to 'Wrong-Way' Walker about getting DNR land. 

Earlier disclosure reporting shows Kohler, Jr., owner of the private land on which most of the golf course would be built, has donated $40,000 to Walker since 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Someone should do an open records request.
