Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pop Quiz...First Number That Comes To Mind...On WI Jobs...

[Friday post updated Sunday 12:04 a.m.] Glad to see Craig Gilbert pointing out the political danger for Walker in the jobs-data. I was afraid it was going to be lost in the crush of John Doe stories.]

How many private-sector jobs were created in Open-For-Business WalkerWisconsin last month?


-- 400.

That's right. Wisconsin lost 400 jobs in May. That shocker and more evidence of the Great Walker Leadership Fail, here.

Remember - - he keeps telling us we're headed in the right direction.



  1. Cripes. May is the start of summer temp hiring, isn't it?

    1. It's seasonally-adjusted, so it accounts for that. But it looks really bad given that the US added 217,000 in the same month.

  2. ...on second thought, perhaps that number reflects the number of attorneys he has had to let go, because his goose is cooked.

  3. What we learned last week is that Gov. Walker really likes campaigning and raising money. But it's clear he's not much interested in governing. Just look at how he spends his time.

  4. Progressives are going to be really depressed if Walker gets re-elected. Democrats in Washington aren't helping Wisconsin Democrats image. That's a central concern in every state.

  5. Let us hope that soon Walker will be greeted with resounding laughter when he talks about WI moving in the right direction and his job creation record.

  6. The good news is that Wisconsin is keeping pace with Kansas - Wizard of Oz joke in there somewhere.

    Wisconsin Employment Flatlines | Econbrowser
