Monday, June 30, 2014

One Corporation, One Vote?

Let's see: The Roberts Court has already given businesses free speech rights to make unlimited political  campaign contributions, and today also said businesses have the freedom to exert religious beliefs to deny contraceptive health care coverage to employees.

If businesses are people, too, as Mitt Romney famously, and apparently presciently proclaimed during the 2012 presidential campaign, how soon before the Roberts Court gives businesses the right to vote?

The owner or CEO can be the designated voter. One corporation, one vote, under the law.

Though it also occurs to me that if corporations are people, and a business kills workers or customers through (GM, for example, or that exploded fertilizer plant in West, TX, or a salad bar with salmonella as a side dish), doesn't that make those 'people' eligible for the death penalty, too?


  1. doesn't that make those 'people' eligible for the death penalty, too?

    Don't be silly. "Socialize the costs, privatize the profits"

  2. I've seen the bumper sticker: "I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one."
