Thursday, May 29, 2014

Will Ron Johnson Cave To Waukesha's $50 Million Water Earmark Bid?

The ideologically-far-right Wisconsin US Sen. Ron Johnson voted against federal funding for water projects from Superior to Milwaukee - - Big Government, Bad! - - so is Waukesha wasting its time begging Johnson to support its pitch for a very un-Tea Party-like $50 million federal earmark to pay for part of Waukesha's proposed Lake Michigan water diversion scheme?

Remember when the City of Milwaukee needed $90 million+ to extend its water intake pipe farther into Lake Michigan and begin ozone disinfection treatment to make sure drinking water from the Milwaukee Water Works was free of cryptosporidium?

Milwaukee didn't run to the Congress for a handout, as Waukesha is doing - - Waukesha wants grants, mind you, not loans - - with the help of paid lobbyists to carry Waukesha's water in DC.

No - - Milwaukee funded the upgrades on its own.

But back to the Tea Party Republican Johnson's opposition to federal water funding.

Is it based on principle, or is it geographically or politically situational enough to keep Waukesha's bid afloat?

Though the question may be moot when Johnson gets the boot in 2016.

1 comment:

  1. RoJo's not getting the boot from me.

    He's getting a campaign donation for proving he's against pork.

    Waukesha's need of a new source of water is a big fat porker. I think RoJo knows that. Let's see if the Congressmen are like minded.
