Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Missouri Town Needs A Recall Election, ASAP

The Overland Park, Kansas hate-killer and his hometown mayor across the state line in Missouri have some opinions in common:
Marionville, Mo. Mayor Dan Clevenger spoke warmly this week of Frazier Glenn Miller, who allegedly went on a killing rampage on Sunday in Overland Park, Kan... 
...KSPR unearthed a letter to the editor that the mayor sent nearly a decade ago to a newspaper in Aurora, Mo. in which he expressed admiration for Miller's mission. 
"I am a friend of Frazier Miller helping to spread his warnings," Clevenger wrote, according to KSPR. "The Jew-run medical industry has succeeded in destroying the United State's workforce." 
Clevenger also reportedly wrote that the "Jew-run government backed banking industry turned the U.S into the world's largest debtor nation...
He seemed to stand by those positions in his interview with KSPR, blaming Jews for the country's economic woes. 


  1. What a f***ing d*****bag.

    Ironically he's likely to be exterminated with prejudice.

    They're going to put him to death!

    - The Blogging Boss


  2. Remember - this is Missouri.

  3. Ignorance and racism live on. What a horrendous embarrassment.

  4. Holy Heil Schmitler!
