Saturday, March 29, 2014

Newspaper Gives Hand To Investigators, Embattled Walker Administration

Scott Walker's crew - - given its unwavering respect for records' procedures during the secret emailing days that helped it win the Governorship in 2010  - - has rightly begun an investigation into who may have leaked confidential patient information that ended up in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about patient abuse on Walker's watch at the County Mental Health Complex.

We haven't seen this much love for political plumbers since the days of Richard Nixon - - Walker's role model, according to former Nixon legal counsel and fellow Watergater John Dean - - but hat tip to the aforementioned Journal Sentinel for helping investigators by noting that a Kelly Rindfleisch and other Walker aides were batting around the name of one Mental Health Complex resident/victim while Walker was in charge everything at Milwaukee County government - - hiring, staff coordination, record security, patient health, patient survival, etc.

That would be the same Kelly Rindfleisch who took a pity pot break to downplay to The Wall Street Journal her role during the Walkerites' good old days when his political and taxpayer-paid staffers worked together on secret emailing and on-the-job-GOP fund-raising and campaigning a few feet down the down the hall from then-County Exec SKW.

Looks like the newspaper, while protecting its First Amendment right to publish, and obligation to hold politicians and officials accountable, might just be tossing the Walker health investigation a road map to help it better define its search for the truth.

Outstanding public service journalism.


  1. Have you seen tomorrow's NY Times on the Penokee Hills

  2. A pity pot break? I got halfway through that ridiculously bad job of journalism and decided it was useful only for a potty pit break.
