Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Milwaukee Is A Happier Place These Days Because...

Milwaukee Brewers spring training baseball broadcasts are being delivered by Bob Uecker on 620 WTMJ replacing early afternoon right-wing talk radio programming on the region's largest AM station.

In Milwaukee, that's like discovering that frozen custard at Leon's is five cents a scoop until the end of March.


  1. Plus, the Brewer's adopted dog Hank is adorbs.

  2. Isn't it AM 620 Pravda radio?

  3. Custard at 5 cents a scoop would do more health harm to liberal Milwaukeeens (is that a legit word?) than 620AM.

  4. Custard at 5 cents a scoop would do more health harm to liberal Milwaukeeens

    How do you imagine that it wouldn't have the same effect on conservative ones?

  5. As a condition of carrying the games this year, wtmj required that Ryan Braun move to right wing- I mean field.
