Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Very Strong State Of The Union Speech

From domestic issues - - wage equality, voting rights, health care - - to foreign policy - - no more permanent war footing, and pledge to veto new Iran sanctions. A strong speech and emotional conclusion with the introduction of the grievously wounded Ranger. Very effective.
(Headline corrected from "State of the State" speech. My bad.)


  1. State of the Union - Obama rocks!!

  2. My wife left the room and honestly, I fell to sleep.

    I respect the office. But the man has no credibility left. I had to read between every line spoken.

    Bill Clinton must have had significant influence over the speech writing.

  3. Indeed - great speech.

  4. @ Anonymouse Jan 29, 4;58 am.

    So you fell asleep watching TV in the evening: must have been a long day at the moron factory.
