Tuesday, January 14, 2014

GOP Legislators In WI Want New Definition Of Marriage, Divorce

Marriage shall be between one man and one woman, but divorce is among a man, a woman, and a legislator. Preferably a Republican who understands that a man's income above $150,000 shouldn't be all tied up in support payments to a woman because when the 1%'s wealth is at stake, what's his is his.

And because campaign committees are people, too, my friend.


  1. Marriage shall be between one man and one woman. Strict constructionist: it is one and done. Why do we allow remarriage but not gay marriage?

  2. Regressives (I refuse to use 'Pro'~gressive, which when used by the opposition, sounds as if an endorsement ~ slick. This is one plank in their agenda, to establish and to embed all characteristics traditionally rejected by western culture. If you object to 'gay marriage', this signals to Regressives a platform to support, endorse, and to vile any who disagree. Go to court, FORCE compliance. Referendum sez 'NO!'> too bad. Judge decrees and reverses any, "We the people" becuz their power is excessive. Use it.
