Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bice Joins In Joel Kleefisch Media Beat Down Over Session's Worst Bill

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel heavyweight investigative columnist Dan Bice delivered a second hammer blow Saturday evening online (and I presume for the Sunday editions, too) to a piece of reprehensible, one-beneficiary legislation that State GOP Rep. and Lt. Governor spouse Joel Kleefisch crafted for, and with the hands-on help of a multimillionaire/major GOP donor.

There ought to be a serious investigation to determine if Kleefisch inappropriately let the donor help write the bill designed to redo the terms of agreed-upon divorce payments more in the donor's favor.

Blow number one was delivered by Dee Hall of the Wisconsin State Journal; I had a posting about it, too. 

As Hall wrote in her original piece:
In an email that same day to Kleefisch, Kleefisch aide Ashlee Moore and Jeff Fitzgerald, the former Assembly speaker and now a lobbyist, [donor Michael] Eisenga writes, “Please have the drafter make these SPECIFIC changes to the bill when she combines them.” 
The next day, Sept. 6, Moore wrote Pam Kahler, the Legislative Reference Bureau staffer drafting the bill, requesting the changes.
I don't think the outrage or the stink about Kleefisch's bill and legislative 'process' can be overstated.

Even the Journal Sentinel's Managing Editor weighs in, so the next sound you will hear, other than Kleefisch's colleagues heading for the hills, is Operation Kleefisch shredding all copies of the bill before it attracts any more heat.

Says Managing Editor George Stanley on Facebook tonight:
George Stanley Laws for sale! Fresh laws tailor made for campaign donors! Laws for sale!
And on Twitter:


  1. I agree that this stinks.

    BTW, I think you mean overstated.

  2. Hmm, took Bice 24 hours to rehash this story, but when right-wing operatives feed him a John Doe leak, he can't print it fast enough.

    I give him and the J-S no credit. And there's no mention of the pattern of Kleefisch corruption, including the Herr Environmental cover-up


  4. George Stanley Facebook post is now "unavailable". I wonder why? No I don't.

  5. The tweet is still there:

  6. Did somebody say open for business?
