Friday, November 1, 2013

Wisconsin State Employee Working In Virginia This Weekend

Entertainment by "The Ultrasounds." Two shows!


  1. The pictures and clips should be priceless! I want to see this all over the place in about 8-9 months...if Scotty's still in the race.

  2. Will Walker be reading excerpts from his fictional account of the Wisconsin uprising? Will he be talking about how he is moving Wisconsin "Forward" by putting us deeper in debt and losing money via his "Flagship" agency WEDC which can't be bothered to keep track of money loaned to cronies? Will he spread the fiction of his job creation?

  3. Well, that he is working in any state is news.

  4. Boxer- Campaigning and grifting out of state IS Scott Walker's job. You think a Governor is supposed to, you know, GOVERN?

    Same for the Cooch- he even said to the crowd yesterday "We just need our people to turn out on Tuesday." And the hell with everyone else in the state.
