Saturday, October 26, 2013

WI Wolf Hunt Kill Exceeds 2012 'Harvest' By 10%+

Shooters, and trappers allowed to plant scented bait, have now killed 134 wolves in Wisconsin, reports the DNR - - exceeding the 2012 toll of 117 on the way this year to 251.
Gray Wolf in Steel Jaw Trap 
The updated DNR kill data is here.

And the final tally of wolves killed in Wisconsin this year will no doubt exceed the legal 'harvest' of 251 when those also killed by vehicles, illegal 'shoot-shovel-and-shutup' hunters, or by farmers or law enforcement officers legally after livestock killings are counted.

In 2012, 126 wolves killed outside of the legal hunt were known to the DNR, bringing the known wolf death toll in Wisconsin last year to 243, records indicated.


  1. But they kill teddy bears and bambi?

    What's the big deal with a few wolves?

    Oh yeah -- you will say that a Native American tribe calls the sacred.

    Dude -- bears are sacred in Native culture too as is all forms of life and nature.

  2. Dude, it's not "a few" wolves. It's 20% or more of the existing population. That's not sustainable, to say nothing of the cruel methods of "hunting."

    Your whole post makes no sense: who kills 'teddy bears and bambi'? Wolves? Humans?

    And with the ignorance displayed throughout your short post, it seems highly doubtful that you'd know, much less understand, anything about Native Americans culture or sacred animals.

    Why don't you go back to your couch and stick your head in a bag of chips? As you were, moron.
