Thursday, October 17, 2013

The WMC Flubs Fact-Checking, Again

The Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce recently put up an ad praising Scott Walker's job-creation record, but one of the firms cited in the ad for job-expansion - -   a jet-plane maker supposedly landed for Superior - - has yet to build the plant it proposed in January, 2012.

And is behind on payments for state loans.

So why tout the 600 jobs and credit them to Walker?

The pro-Walker business organization also saw one of the ads in its blitz criticized as inaccurate by federal banking officials.

Anyone over at Team Walker/WMC checking the facts?


  1. the jet-plane dudes probably stiffed their architects too.

  2. When I saw this ad, with Mr. Happy Voiceover, I said to my husband "The only thing this ad is missing is frequent use of the words 'dear leader'".

  3. You presume that facts matter to these people.

  4. My goal is to spread the word. Maybe some reporter or editor in media somewhere will treat this as significant, perhaps a tipping point and begin to finally expose how incestuously corrupt things in Wisconsin are right now.

  5. gee, mr. rowen, won't journal communications actually report the truth here?

    And if not -- wouldn't that be an important post and theme to carry?

  6. Who needs checkable facts when you can manufacture your own? That's the 'M' in WMC, isn't it?

  7. @Sue: I said something to my husband, too, upon viewing the ad. But it's not printable in James' family blog.

  8. By the way, WMC also is supporting the proposal to usurp local governments when it comes to mining and groundwater regulations. That's believing in "small government", isn't it?

    They are a disgusting group of lying oligarchs that deserve to have direct action taken against them. James, you need to call them out, and mince no words. And I'd be more than supportive of a few appearances from groups around the corner of Blair and E. Wash in Madison.
