Friday, October 11, 2013

Scott Walker Discovers Wisconsin's Glacial Waters...

Of course, he is eager to give it all away to frac sand mining companies - - with more ticketed to iron mining and expanding industrial-sized dairy operations that also threaten Wisconsin groundwater.

I am convinced that the ultimate goal of Walker and his big-moneyed donors is to cripple or remove the Public Trust Doctrine with its water protection guarantees from the Wisconsin Constitution.

Someone could remind Walker that those waters belong to the public, according to the DNR and the Wisconsin constitution.


  1. Milksource,the largest dairy operation in the state has given Walker and Republican lawmakers $159,350. In return for this a budget provision was included that prohibits citizens from contesting high capacity well permits because of harm to the groundwater, surface water or neighboring wells. But more help is being offered to major commercial users of groundwater. Sen.Kedzie, chair of the Natural Resources committee is rushing through a bill to restrict the DNR's authority to study the impacts of these wells on our resources and environment. Wisconsin Is Open For Business......the business of selling our resources and environment to the highest bidding special interest.

  2. Just visited with the Indians at their Harvest Camp, located adjacent to the proposed mining site in the Penokee Hills. They also are concerned not only with water pollution but also are saying that the mine may just be a ruse to get at the groundwater to be able to pipe it to the southwest.Maybe they're on to something?

  3. The Farm Bureau and Dairy Business Association meet frequently with Matt Moroney of DNR.
