Thursday, October 17, 2013

Eight WI Wolves 'Harvested' Since Tuesday: Feeling Good About It, Bucky?

Trophy shooters and trappers with their finishing shots are racking up the kills, says the DNR on a relatively-obscure chart. Better hurry - - only 243 left in this year's expanded quota.
gray wolf
The chart is here.


  1. It takes a real man to set his baited traps outside the wolf den he's located via his GPS from a list compiled by volunteers and obtained by open records request. And then to wander by a few days later and shoot the suffering creature in the head. Now that's real sport!

  2. But they look oh so good when mounted or made into one of those fancy hats.

  3. Wish we could say the same about your ugly mug. It's be easier to get an open season for Stupid.

  4. There's more integrity in that picture of a wolf than there is in the entire Wisconsin GOP legislature.

  5. Is there no outrage for the torture and killing of all the livestock and deer that the Wolves prey on?

  6. It is amusing to watch rightwing operatives try to feign concern over animals, when they are perfectly willing to destroy many animals' ecosystems for new condo developments or extraction industries.

  7. To Anon. 11:46 - - The wolves pre-dated us here. The kill deer and livestock because they are hunting animals, not because they 'torture.' The state reimburses farmers for livestock losses. The state even reimburses bear hunters who lose dogs they let loose in known wolf caution areas, and the state lets bear hunters use bait that attracts bears and wolves. That is a real problem, on many levels.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Why should there be outrage over wolves, or any predators, killing cattle or sheep? These animals are killed for our consumption. Where's the outrage for that? Hunters kill elk and deer for their consumption. Where's the outrage there? If a wolf kills a deer or elk he feeds his pack and a whole host of other hungry predators. If a hunter kills a wolf, he posts his "conquest" on Facebook or UTube, or drives the wolf around town so everyone can see what a big, brave guy he is. Wolves just want to survive. Wolf-hunters just want to kill. I prefer the wolf.
