Friday, September 27, 2013

What Happens In Wisconsin Does Not Stay In Wisconsin

Newspapers and other traditional media out-of-state reported that GOP legislators in Wisconsin are writing legislation to make it easier for school districts to retain race-based names and team logos.

A quick Google search early Friday morning showed coverage of our state's retrograde insensitivity in Pennsylvania, Iowa, California, Florida, New Mexico, North Carolina, Arizona.

This report in New Jersey was typical: 

Nicely-done, GOP image-builders.


  1. What about the Vikings? Never hear Norwegians complaining.

  2. As soon as we conquer the Vikings, steal their land and then choose to "honor" them whether they like it or not, you can ask your question.

  3. So it's OK to have the Minnesota Vikings because the vikings did the conquering. But we shouldn't have the Mukwonago Indians because the Indians were the conquered?

  4. No, it's not just because the Vikings did the conquering. It's because they weren't subjugated by us. The Native Americans were. The Native Americans still exist here today. (Seen any pillaging Vikings lately?) The Native Americans don't find creepy stereotypes of them to be an honor. They get to say what they find offensive. Being a stupid high school mascot is offensive to them (no matter how emotionally attached small town denizens get to their team). This is not being PC, this trying to have some empathy and giving up old racism.
    And while I'm at it, guess what? They're also not Indians. Indians come from India. Nor do they have red skins. See why the D.C. team's name rankles?
