Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Inarticulation, The Denials And Sportsmen'sGate Are All Walker's

The spin is dizzying and the word salad is vintage Walker, but Scott Suder and the sleazy bogus $500,000 'sportsmen's'/Tea Party-soaked grant fully belong to the Governor, according to this Journal Sentinel account:
Gov. Scott Walker said Wednesday his administration did not consider how former Assembly Majority Leader Scott Suder handled a $500,000 grant for a politically connected group in deciding to give Suder a job.

"We didn't look at that at all," Walker told reporters. "The Public Service Commission I think looked at the totality of his experience, not just any one particular item in terms of offering a division position...."

Asked if he thought Suder had handled the situation properly, Walker said: "Not being involved with it, it's really hard for me to comment. You only get bits and pieces that you've heard about. But from our standpoint, it's one of those where there's multitudes, as you all know in the budget process, of amendments offered, budget motions."


  1. The scandal's proper name should be "Sportsmen United." ;)

  2. It's half a million dollars of tax money and Scooter doesn't know much about it. Yikes!

  3. So the Gov's defense is that he is out of touch with day-to-day legislative actions, plays no role in appointing public officials and has so little political influence that legislators don't bother to consult him on budgetary matters?

    Maybe he should spend less time campaigning for President.

    1. Or he should stop trying to be Gov and go full-time on the wingnut welfare and 2016 candidate circuits.

  4. Scooter was in the Assembly for 9 years and has been an elected official for the last 20. If this guy doesn't know what this budget motion was, and this act didnt play into Suder's vetting, then he and his staff are unfit for office.

    Now are they unfit due to incompetence, or corruption? I'll leave that part up to you

  5. Walker says Suder was chosen because of his experience in the Legislature, but Walker didn't look at how Suder handled the United Sportsmen grant which was passed WHILE HE WAS THE ASSEMBLY MAJORITY LEADER IN THE LEGISLATURE?!?

    Hell, I don't know why Walker bothers pretending to give away the state to his friends and donors - too many voters will vote for him no matter what as long as there's an R after his name on the ballot.

  6. MiddleGround:
    I thought the CEO/Gov was responsible for what goes on in his company/administration. According to Sykes/Wagner, someone has to be accountable and punished/fired.

  7. My head hurts every time Scooter speaks.

  8. Scott Walker also believes that the CEO/Gov should be held responsible for the actions of his staff - he said so himself back in 2006 when commenting on the charges brought against a civil servant working in Jim Doyle's Dept of Administration (charges which were later dropped because they had no merit).

  9. Isn't it amazing that after vetoing the fed portion of the grant......HE had no problem with coming up with $500,000 of STATE money to give to his political cronies. I thought HE contends that we're broke and there is no money to help those who have become disadvantaged because his economic genius!
