Sunday, September 29, 2013

No One Wants Government Shut Down? Really?

The Journal Sentinel is carrying this story:
US bracing for government shutdown no one wants
This story and headline say it better:

Tea Party to Republicans: Shut Down the Government, or You're a Sellout


  1. Face it: The Teabag Party simply does not care. Their interest does not lie in the wefare of the country, but in their own selfish goals.

  2. Selfish goals?

    Where was the compromise on Obamacare when Democrats had complete control?

    Let the train wreck happen. Me thinks we're about to witness the carnage inflicted on the truly selfish.

    We're going to see why Pelosi should have read it before she passed it.

  3. Projection is not your friend, Anon 7:10. Obamacare IS the compromise, and always was.

    No compromise is good enough for you TeaBag trash. You've made that clear. And so you get what you deserve- nothing.

    And Dear God, have the sack to put your name on your Bagger BS.

  4. The Heritage Foundation-created, Mitt Romney-approved plan that we now call "Obamacare" is a compromise's compromise. If the Democrats truly didn't want to compromise, John Conyers has been introducing for years now a plan that's been successfully implemented in many countries around the world. I hope Jim Rowen gets to see it implemented here in his lifetime.

  5. Anon 7:10-

    The ACA is the compromise based on a plan originally introduced by Republicans. The Democrats wanted a public option.

    Having a public option would have driven healthcare costs down even further because it would have created REAL competition amongst insurance providers.

    The real reason the the GOP doesn't want the ACA to pass is because with the inclusion of pre-exisitng conditions and the 80/20 rule, healthcare will no longer be the cash cow it has been in the past.

    The arguments of "the need for choice" and "market competiton" used by the GOP are almost laughable. Anyone who gives those points even a moment of critical thought understands that there IS choice and competition within the market place exchanges.

    If there is limited competition and choice in your states marketplace exchange, look to your governor's either lack of leadership or concern for his constituents.

    If you don't appreciated the depth of that last paragraph, I invite you to compare the WI exchange to the one created by MN. It's embarrassing how poorly prepared our state's website is and how limited the options are.

    I called the insurance commisioners office last week to ask for assistance navigating the website because I could not find the information I was looking for. The person I spoke to said it wasn't up yet.

    Go figure....

  6. I'm still laughing. Compromise? You can't be serious. Sarcasm, got it.

    Strip away taxpayer subsidy and you have free market competition for healthcare insurance. Not the other way around.

    The tax is a forced government program that everyone is suppose to comply with by law. How does that law apply to illegals? How do they get healthcare insurance without comitting more fraud?

    What happens to those who refuse to buy the insurance and then have an injury or illness? Throw mom and dad in jail? Tax then so they need to apply for foodstamps? I know someone who refuses to buy it because it's a government intrusion. He has 5 kids and works a steady IT job. Will he get medical care if he needs it? He pays taxes...

    Then there's the President's embrassment. He won't talk about the cost of the gold coverage, out of the reach those whom need it the most. Or how about some discussion on the co-pay and deductibles? What about those reduced to less than 30 hours and dropped from their employer's insurance?

    This is the largest unmitigated financial circus act in the history of our country.

    Run Hillary, please run.

  7. Anon- Who do you think pays the bill for people who go to the hospital without insurance now?

    You asked what happens to those who don't buy insurance and get sick or injured. They will pay a penalty. And hospitals will write off the loss (that means you pay, through your taxes to cover their loss)

    Your comments, though passionate and concerned seem either uninformed or terribly misinformed.

    If you recall, Obama wanted universal healthcare. Compromised and took it off the table. The came the public option. Again, compromise. Everytime the Democrats gave, the Republicans took and moved the line. Eventually the Democrats saw the writing on the wall. There would never be compromise from the GOP.
    So now, here we are.

    Keep laughing if you want. But honestly, I don't think you can say the GOP has tried to negotiate in good faith.

    You finished with "This is the largest unmitigated financial circus act in the history of our country" Nope. That would be the black budget used for NSA and the military. Do we really want to go there?

  8. "Anon- Who do you think pays the bill for people who go to the hospital without insurance now?"

    A: Private sector insurance companies are overcharged to cover hospital loses for the uninsured.

    "You asked what happens to those who don't buy insurance and get sick or injured. They will pay a penalty. And hospitals will write off the loss (that means you pay, through your taxes to cover their loss) "

    You mean the $300 penalty this year? It graduates to over $2000 in 3 years but that's hardly incentive when you get no deductible no co-pay taxpayer funded healthcare. And where is the tax money going to come from? Have you noticed the national debt lately?

    "So now, here we are." 100% Democrat owned.

    After the 2014 elections it's going to be might lonely over at at the executive branch.

  9. Wow. That didn't take long.

    Milwaukee County Executive wants to shift county workers to the exchanges.

    Government retirees are next.

  10. Anon answered: ": Private sector insurance companies are overcharged to cover hospital loses for the uninsured. "

    And WHO do you think pays those costs? The insured.
    This isn't a win or lose arguent. We all lose.

  11. Abele doesn't give a rip about county workers, so no surprises there.

    Here's a tidbit for you to nibble on:
