Monday, September 30, 2013

Lobbyist Connection Makes Suder A Greater Scott Walker Problem

How long before Scott Suder 'resigns' his PSC post?

Outstanding investigative work by the Journal Sentinel unearths questionable ties between lobbyists and Suder, the former legislator who crafted a wired grant for United Sportsmen before Walker promoted him to a plum job at the Wisconsin Public Service Commission:
The lobbyist for a self-described sportsmen group offered free fishing excursions to then-Assembly Majority Leader Scott Suder just days before an affiliate of the group secured a now-canceled $500,000 grant from the state, newly released records show.

Also scheduled to be on the Aug. 22-23 trip were a lobbyist and a former lobbyist for the National Rifle Association. The former NRA lobbyist, Darren LaSorte, is also a board member of the foundation affiliated with United Sportsmen....

The trip came a week before the United Sportsmen Foundation won a $500,000, two-year grant from the state to promote fishing and hunting....

By the time of the trip, the group knew it was the only one that had applied for the grant.
There are many lobbying/legislating/governing networks in and around the Capitol. This one linking state policy-making and conservation activities with implications for state land, air and water resource management - - Suder will have a hand in PSC water activities, too - - will cause problems for Walker, the PSC and DNR, I suspect.


  1. in other words, things will catch up to walker suder or later.

  2. And a bunch of other Republicans and DNR management:

  3. What do we need to do to get Van Hollen to do his job? Depending on his response, maybe this needs to go upchain to the Feds.

    And Walker once again denying knowlege? Maybe he needs to spend more time in the state, communicating with the legislature and doing HIS job.

    Good gawd.
