Tuesday, September 24, 2013

About Sheriff Clarke, Dems Want Truth-In-Labeling

The Milwaukee County Sheriff's malleable party affiliation comes under fresh attack:
Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr., who runs as a Democrat, was appointed by a Republican governor, endorses Republican political candidates and once wrote a piece on becoming a member of the GOP....

But now Clarke, who is up for re-election in 2014, is taking his support for the Republican Party a step further by appearing as the keynote speaker at a recent GOP fundraiser....

Clarke's appearance has Sachin Chheda, the chairman of the Milwaukee County Democratic Party, calling on the sheriff to switch his partisan affiliation. The speech, Chheda said, proves that Clarke is a Republican.

"He doesn't want us, and we don't want him -- so if he wants to be re-elected, he should man up and run with the GOP," said Chheda, who is managing the campaign for Clarke foe Chris Moews, who lost in 2010.
By the way, the Vets For Moews is hosting a fundraiser at 5:30 p.m. tonight at Wauwatosa's Cranky Al's, 6901 W. North Avenue.

I love the destination's description:
Why Cranky? The official answer is method of operation, you know, hand cranked doughnuts. Ask me, I say definitely disposition! Come visit us and see for yourself.

What you see is what you get at Cranky Al's. A great cup of coffee that doesn't give you a belly ache, great doughnuts and pastries by day, and great pizza at night.

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