Monday, August 19, 2013

Walker Caught Making False Claim On Job Creation

I made my case in a posting Sunday that Wisconsin newspapers which endorsed Scott Walker for Governor have all the evidence they need - - particularly when it comes to Walker's failure to deliver on his signature pledge to create 250,000 private-sector jobs - - to rethink or withdraw that support.

Some of that posting was directed at The Wisconsin State Journal and The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for their opinion that Walker would be better at creating jobs than Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, Walker's opponent.

Anyway - - that was my argument Sunday, and today I rest my case as this morning the Journal Sentinel's PolitiFact service comes along with "Exhibit A" and labels a Walker jobs-claim "False."

Says that in his first two years, "Wisconsin has seen its best two-year job growth in a decade."

Scott Walker on Monday, July 29th, 2013 in a campaign press statement

Scott Walker says "best two-year job growth" came during his tenure

Actually, I should label today's PolitiFact documentation about false Walker job-claims as "Exhibit B," as it ran this December, 2012 finding about Walker and jobs, calling it "ridiculous."

Wisconsin has created "just under 100,000" jobs since he took office.  

Maybe I need an entirely new labeling method, as PolitiFact has rated 56% of Walker statements fact-checked as "Mostly False," "False," or "Pants on Fire."


  1. Just a note---noticed on Channel 3000 the article on the capital police outrageous raise only made a brief appearance this AM, now it is gone!

    The article about the Democrat that got his third DWI has been on there for a couple of days.


  2. I do not know. Sometimes stories are taken down as they are being updated or edited. Censorship - - I dount it. You should email or call the site and station.

  3. The story on this false statement is not visible on the website. Gone - buried.

    Says that in his first two years, "Wisconsin has seen its best two-year job growth in a decade."
    Scott Walker on Monday, July 29th, 2013 in a campaign press statement

  4. @Betsey - - Thank you. @Anon - - the PolitiFact story is right there.

  5. @Anon - -

  6. don't you mean "YET ANOTHER false claim"?

  7. yet he continues to put himself out there in a favorable light. he was on "morning joe" on msnbc this morning and i don't think they challenged him at all.

    1. That's because the whole lot if them are very superficial - they don't bother to dig - it's as if they read the headlines of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Republican talking points.

  8. And I will say this again as I do on so many posts. Anything that takes place in Madison not pro Walker and the right never gets reported on here in central Wisconsin. In fact I would say 30 miles north of Madison it never gets reported. WAOW and WSAU are both very bias. Walker farts and they talk with him. All the right wing gets face time. But rare is there any one from the left ask to counter wingers statements. On TV station has a sister hate AM/FM radio station. The other has a Fox sister station. And papers north of that line are almost all Gannet that they are very bias. No one up here has any facts. Just RAH RAH Scooter. That is the major reason he was kept in office. A lack of credible both sides news.
