Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ron Johnson Overreacts To Climate Change Criticism

Senator Sunspots discovers the League of Conservation Voters and goes overboard.

After saying he is not concerned.

I believe this is what is called "taking the bait."

And it's great to see the phrase "any stretch of the imagination" in a RoJo sound bite.


  1. rojo got a "mostly true" from Politifact for saying that most college students take 6 years to get their degrees. what he meant to say was that most republican governors take 26 years to get theirs.

  2. Proves yet again that a GOP's favorite holiday is Good Friday, as they're all about telling you how crucified they are. What a weak, whiny dope.

    Anon- What wasn't mentioned in that "mostly true" is that policies RoJo supports are the biggest reason why students have to take 6 years (rising tuition and crappy wages if you don't have a degree). But JournalComm's Politi-cr*p will never actually try to give insight or context when it might make a GOP look bad.
